25 servizi alternativi e simili a Darcmatter
Invest your money in a diversified high-return portfolio
Manages your liquid assets and provides innovative digital investment management tools and services
Connecting Fund Managers and Investors Through Data
Connecting accredited and institutional investors to investment opportunities
With only one account, you can always use the best daily and fixed-term deposits of many banks
Search among more than 20,000 Investment Funds, Fund and Pension Funds and find the most suitable funds to you
A user generated fund rating platform
OpenGamma provides real-time market risk management technology for financial institutions
Professional Portfolio Manager Decision-Support System
Digitalization for Discretionary Portfolio Managers
Cloud-based platform for investment managers
Provider of wealth management solutions
Droit a financial technology company
Rule based Asset Management
Broker for professionals.
The Go-To Intelligence Platform for the Hedge Fund Market
Wealth management solutions to financial institutions
The Fund Information Network
Electronic credit trading platform
Deal management and business development software for principal investing and M&A advisory professionals
Bringing better insights and data-driven decisions to every investment manager
Neuroprofiler is a behavioral finance game to help financial advisors assess the investor profile
A next generation Portfolio Management System
Portfolio, Risk- & Order mgmt system, specialised to the financial buy side industry
BridgeFT is using software to change the way financial advisors run their businesses and interact with clients