25 servizi alternativi e simili a Squarelife.li
Un nuovo modo di fare assicurazioni
MioAssicuratore ti aiuta a confrontare, scegliere e gestire le tue assicurazioni online comodamente da casa
Internet-based insurance company data.
Protection where and when it matters.
Servizi Mobility per una guida connessa.
Digital Health & Wellness Platform
Getsurance is revolutionizing the way you buy insurance
Con tiassisto24, scadenze, multe, assicurazioni, tagliandi, cambi gomme non saranno più un tuo problema
All Insurance in Your Pocket
The CareVoice, redefining healthcare experience
Your platform for simple access to insurance
Upsie is a mobile app that provides an easier & better way to protect your stuff
The Home for Better Insurance.
A smarter, easier way of buying insurance
Taking the pain out of homeowners insurance
Insurance comparison, advisory, and sales with AI automatic underwriting and pricing
The right insurance at the right price
L'assicurazione sanitaria per il tuo amico a quattro zampe!
Aims to improve title insurance assessment
A new way of thinking about car insurance
wefox is the independent service platform for insurance brokers, insurers and end-customers
Insure anything in a snap
Swyfft uses unique data sources and proprietary analytics so you can get a homeowner insurance quote in second
Business Insurance To Fulfill Contracts
Your kind of life insurance.